Are You A Refugee Or A Pilgrim?

Refugees dominate the news recently. My heart breaks for all the people called to risk their lives journeying to unkown shores. The situation is bleak, and makes me wonder. What is the difference between a  refugee and a pilgrim? Aren’t we are all refugees? To become officially “Buddhist” we commit by “taking refuge.” It’s not thatContinue reading “Are You A Refugee Or A Pilgrim?”

Somewhere over the rainbow

A rainbow appeared out of the blue one day recently. It’s not a regular occurrence around here in Chiang Rai, so a few of us stood around taking photos. I learned later in the day that an old friend –on the other side of the planet–had passed at the same moment. I wonder if thisContinue reading “Somewhere over the rainbow”

Attitude of gratitude and Thanksgiving resolution

Though I rarely celebrate Thanksgiving anymore– I’ve lived in Asia for over 10 years now– I love the spirit behind this day of thanks. There is a powerful message to be learned here. This message was brought to me loud and clear this past few weeks, which have presented quite a few obstacles. Now, IContinue reading “Attitude of gratitude and Thanksgiving resolution”

To do or not to do

Here’s the big lesson I’ve learned in the past month: Relaxing is the key to doing anything. I didn’t set out to learn this lesson. I set out on an adventure with a friend, to take some time out and rest on one of the most beautiful islands in Thailand. We rented a small houseContinue reading “To do or not to do”

Old Stories and New Stories

Today I realized that I’m being prompted to go beyond my comfort zone. I’m faced with a situation that asks me to either jump into the fire or run and hide in my clam shell. Guess which one I would prefer? Clam shell, 100%. Guess which one I’m going to do? Yep. I’m gonna burn.Continue reading “Old Stories and New Stories”

How to make your own map when the world give you a bogus one

One day in my late thirties, it became painfully obvious that family life was not my path. While my girlfriends were busy starting families, I was increasingly obsessed with yoga. Until that point we had shared goals and dreams, but with no crumbs and spilled milk on the back seat of my car and noContinue reading “How to make your own map when the world give you a bogus one”

Desire in the Dark Age

Clearly we are at the deep end of the dark age. I can tell because I’ve spent the last week eating cheese puffs. Like most of us here in the desire realm, I grasp at the world of form in a misguided attempt to reduce suffering. The array of distractions is vast: Cary Grant films,Continue reading “Desire in the Dark Age”

Inner Climate Change

Yoga is fundamentally a practice of working with the mind. Most people start with the physical postures, because that’s the easiest way to start to wrap your mind around the whole process of transforming mind. But yoga is much more than just what’s visible. So you work from the grossest to the most subtle levels,Continue reading “Inner Climate Change”

Why You Need to Reinvent Yourself

Q: Why do you need to keep reinventing yourself? A: Because you do. I know, you hate that answer. So did I. But by now, you’ve probably figured out that there’s no such thing as a straight shot when finding your way in life. Four steps forward, eight steps back; three steps forward, and theContinue reading “Why You Need to Reinvent Yourself”