Crestone Artists

The leaves are turning and sunset arrives a bit earlier each evening the past few weeks. A new season has arrived in Crestone. This coming weekend, October 10-11, 2015, Crestone artists open their studios to all for a celebration of art. This year, I will be one of those artists. Crestone has recently been identifiedContinue reading “Crestone Artists”

Attitude of gratitude and Thanksgiving resolution

Though I rarely celebrate Thanksgiving anymore– I’ve lived in Asia for over 10 years now– I love the spirit behind this day of thanks. There is a powerful message to be learned here. This message was brought to me loud and clear this past few weeks, which have presented quite a few obstacles. Now, IContinue reading “Attitude of gratitude and Thanksgiving resolution”

Timing is everything

Just as I was about to enter into solitary meditation retreat a couple of weeks ago here in Crestone, I learned that Tulku Damcho Rinpoche would come to give 3 days of empowerments at Vajra Vidya Retreat center. Empowerment (Tibetan: wang)  in the tradition of Tibetan Buddhism is a ritualized way of transmitting the essentialContinue reading “Timing is everything”

Historic Charleston, South Carolina

This week I’m in Charleston, South Carolina visiting family. Charleston was voted the most popular tourist destination in the world by Conde Nast readers recently, probably because of the incredibly rich history this city has lived. The first shots of the Civil War were shot here, and Charleston remains one of the most important portsContinue reading “Historic Charleston, South Carolina”

To do or not to do

Here’s the big lesson I’ve learned in the past month: Relaxing is the key to doing anything. I didn’t set out to learn this lesson. I set out on an adventure with a friend, to take some time out and rest on one of the most beautiful islands in Thailand. We rented a small houseContinue reading “To do or not to do”

Make a Wish

The Great Stupa of Dharmakaya at Boudhanath is said to grant wishes to those who ask with faith and devotion. Five years ago, I made the journey to Nepal to try my luck. My root guru passed away before I met him, (you’d have to understand the teachings of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche to know whatContinue reading “Make a Wish”

This Precious Life

It’s not always easy to be grateful for this unique life with all of its less-than-perfect moments. Sometimes the veil gets thick, and it’s hard to see what’s real. With all the chaos in the world, it’s especially important to dwell in gratitude, rather than its opposite. Someone reminded me recently that the only reasonContinue reading “This Precious Life”