Are You A Refugee Or A Pilgrim?

Refugees dominate the news recently. My heart breaks for all the people called to risk their lives journeying to unkown shores. The situation is bleak, and makes me wonder. What is the difference between a  refugee and a pilgrim? Aren’t we are all refugees? To become officially “Buddhist” we commit by “taking refuge.” It’s not thatContinue reading “Are You A Refugee Or A Pilgrim?”

A visit with the 17th Karmapa

In March of this year, I went to Sarnath, India, where Shakyamuni Buddha gave teachings for the very first time. While I was there I had the incredible good fortune to have a private meeting with His Holiness the 17th Karmapa. My meeting was limited to 3 minutes, so I had time for one questionContinue reading “A visit with the 17th Karmapa”

Luxury Pilgrims

Just finished our 3rd annual Contemplative Practice and Wellness Retreat in Phuket, and the incomparable Amanpuri Resort. We hosted a small group of graduate level psychology students in a training designed to share mindfulness practice for practical application in the clinical setting. It was a fabulous reminder that being a pilgrim, learning to train theContinue reading “Luxury Pilgrims”

Royal Palace, Phnom Pehn

One thing I love about Cambodia is its incredibly rich spiritual heritage. It’s one of the few places where you can get a felt sense of how the Hindu and Buddhist traditions mixed, merged and eventually diverged. Outside of Nepal, I have not come across another culture that has such a vast treasure of theContinue reading “Royal Palace, Phnom Pehn”

Nepal Yoga Retreat and Pilgrimage, March 2015

Nepal Yoga Retreat and Pilgrimage, March 2015 Practice or learn yoga and meditation while visiting sacred sites throughought the Kathmandu Valley with masters of yoga and meditation. Join us for a magical 10 days of practice and pilgrimage through the Kathmandu Valley. We will visit sacred Buddhist sites throughout the Kathmandu Valley and practice dailyContinue reading “Nepal Yoga Retreat and Pilgrimage, March 2015”

Chiang Dao Temple

On a journey to explore the northern highlands of Thailand this weekend, we ended up at the Chiang Dao temple, Wat Tham Pha Plong. The founding monk, Luang Poo Sim Buddhacaro, landed here after spending the earlier part of his life wandering as a solitary forest monk, meditating and sleeping in caves. On a silentContinue reading “Chiang Dao Temple”

The non-linear path of evolution

Just back from retreat at the new Soma Retreat Center in Chiang Rai, Thailand. It’s tempting to think that the spiritual path is a linear journey. What a surprise when you see your old neurotic patterns re-surfacing again, just like an old dysfunctional relationship you thought you had outgrown. Sometimes it can be painful toContinue reading “The non-linear path of evolution”